Darya is working with Mad Agriculture, an organization focusing on regenerative agriculture out of Boulder, Colorado. She is assisting the organization with projects in two realms: policy and soil carbon sequestration. Her policy-related work includes projects in conjunction with the Colorado Collaborative for Healthy Soils and preparing a grant application aimed to increase farmer engagement with soil health management practices. Darya is also developing and implementing a sensitivity analysis for the COMET Farm tool, which is a farm and ranch carbon and greenhouse gas accounting system. Through her work with Mad Agriculture, she will help advance the conversation around land stewardship and conservation in agriculture. This summer, Darya will gain experience in both the science and policy of this field so she can be successful working at the intersection of regenerative agriculture, soil health, and climate change.
Colorado Collective for Healthy Soils


Darya Watnick, Western Resources Fellow| Darya Watnick is a Master of Environmental Management candidate at the Yale School of the Environment, focusing on agriculture & food systems. She is particularly interested in regenerative agriculture practices and soil health. Her passion for food and agriculture began during her childhood in Southern California, growing up near avocado and citrus orchards and many strawberry fields. She holds a BA in Environmental Studies from Lewis & Clark College in Portland, OR. See what Darya has been up to. | Blog