600,000 Cucumber Beetles – Adam Eichenwald

So after a long summer and an endless series of blog posts, I’ve realized that I never actually said flat-out what I’ve been up to. Shame on me, really. Talk talk talk without ever actually saying anything…Hey, maybe I should drop science and go into politics. But I think it’s time I finally showed my Read more about 600,000 Cucumber Beetles – Adam Eichenwald[…]

Return to Civilization – Adam Eichenwald

So I’m finally back from Alaska. It’s great to be back home, and I’m enjoying having the use of indoor plumbing. It’s very strange what you miss – I loathe doing dishes, but it’s nice to finally have running water available for cleaning plates. I’m pretty pleased with the way my summer research turned out. Read more about Return to Civilization – Adam Eichenwald[…]

Instream Flows and Photography for Landscape Monitoring – Austin Rempel

Instream Flows on the Middle Fork of the Popo Agie Over the last two months I’ve been helping piece together a picture of water use on the Middle Fork of the Popo Agie River. Water from the Middle Fork irrigates some 11,500 acres of agricultural land in the region around Lander, Wyoming. These diversions support Read more about Instream Flows and Photography for Landscape Monitoring – Austin Rempel[…]

Nome FM – Adam Eichenwald

Nome’s only radio station has ruined other variety stations for me. I mean, in the span of 15 minutes this one small station pumps out a current pop hit, follows up with some Rolling Stones, moves to the top 5 songs from 1957, and finishes up the time slot with an elderly man telling an Read more about Nome FM – Adam Eichenwald[…]

Alaska is Big….Really Big – Adam Eichenwald

Alaska is big. Very big. You won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the pharmacist, but that’s just peanuts to Alaska. (Man, the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy really hits it on the nose when it comes to attempts to Read more about Alaska is Big….Really Big – Adam Eichenwald[…]

Beaver Restoration and Water Management in Wyoming – Austin Rempel

I’m writing from Red Canyon Ranch, a working ranch and nature preserve owned by the Nature Conservancy. I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to live at the Ranch this summer while working with Conservancy staff on questions related to beaver restoration and water management. Red Canyon Ranch covers some 5,000 acres in the foothills of Read more about Beaver Restoration and Water Management in Wyoming – Austin Rempel[…]

Coexistence in the Northern Rockies – Ross Donihue

“One time I was at my gym in Banff running on the treadmill and I saw a deer giving birth, no one else noticed and I didn’t want to say a thing because I knew everyone would rush over with their cameras. After the fawn was able to take a few steps I exclaimed – Read more about Coexistence in the Northern Rockies – Ross Donihue[…]

Gyrfalcon Attacks Helicopter! – Adam Eichenwald

Remember how I said a few posts ago that you don’t want to mess with a female gyrfalcon? Yeah, well one of the female falcons here is absolutely psychotic. When the Peregrine Fund field technicians were doing an aerial survey, she actually flew out and dive-bombed the helicopter. They had to do some quick aerial Read more about Gyrfalcon Attacks Helicopter! – Adam Eichenwald[…]

The Batman Effect – Adam Eichenwald

Fun fact: a gyrfalcon flying at 200 mph hits HARD. Plus, it likes to pluck the feathers from birds it kills. So in the spots where a gyrfalcon has attacked, it looks like a bird exploded. Exhibit A: this picture of me taking a GPS point at what I will now refer to as a Read more about The Batman Effect – Adam Eichenwald[…]

Fox Time – Adam Eichenwald

I interrupt my own blog posts to bring you this special news bulletin: yesterday I made a fox poop itself in fear. I was collecting data near a dirt road and watched, bemused, as a red fox came jogging up the path toward me. I had my camera and started snapping pictures. “Wow, it’s so Read more about Fox Time – Adam Eichenwald[…]

Midnight Musings in the Land of the Midnight Sun – Adam Eichenwald

So I’ve been trying to think of a way to start these posts off, like a signature of some kind. Considered doing a different variation of “hello from the edge!” every time, but that would probably get old quickly. Guess I’ll just have to come up with a new gimmick. Maybe next time I’ll just Read more about Midnight Musings in the Land of the Midnight Sun – Adam Eichenwald[…]

The edge of the world – Adam Eichenwald

Hello from the edge! After a wonderful marathon of sleep, I am finally set up at base camp in Alaska and working out the kinks in my research. I’m incredibly far up north, to the point where the sun doesn’t set until after 11pm and gets up around 6am – and this is months before Read more about The edge of the world – Adam Eichenwald[…]